POSRED: A technological ecosystem proposal for the massification of electronic payments with national currency cards


  • Omar Vidal Pino Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), Generalitat de Catalunya
  • Lisandra Guerrero Pérez Instituto Brasileiro de Información en Ciencia y Tecnología (IBICT)
  • Edilmar Silva Torres NTT DATA Group at the World Economic Forum
  • Yendri Valdés Peña Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba
  • Geiser Arecio Pérez Rivas e-Embarazo.org


point of sale terminals; Cuban banking; digital transformation; Fintech; IoT., IIoT Platforms


The banking update process in Cuba seeks to introduce the latest technological advances in Cuban financial processes with the purpose of promoting digital payments. In this context, we propose a technological ecosystem that introduces a modified wireless POS terminal as the main actor, and channel, for the massification of card payments in national currency. The proposed technological ecosystem, PosRed, has been designed under the premise that it is scalable and easy to adapt to the technological requirements of the current Cuban payment gateways (EnZona and Transfermovil). The PosRed ecosystem´s architecture is made up of four main components: i) POS terminal, ii) POS terminal firmware, iii) terminal management platform and iv) management platform for POS holders. A requirements survey was carried out to select those hardware’s (POS) that could be customized to the Cuban financial requirements. Likewise, initial experiments were developed for a firmware construction that would adapt the hardware to the Cuban context (Cuban cards, currency types, SIM cards, GSM connectivity). Our PosRed ecosystem is equipped with the latest IoT technologies for POS terminal management and data transmission, serialization, and encapsulation.


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How to Cite

Vidal Pino, O. ., Guerrero Pérez, L., Silva Torres, E., Valdés Peña, Y., & Pérez Rivas, G. A. (2024). POSRED: A technological ecosystem proposal for the massification of electronic payments with national currency cards. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 5(1), e254:1–16. Retrieved from https://rctd.uic.cu/rctd/article/view/254