La actividad de tutoría en la evaluación de desempeño de roles en la carrera de Ingeniería Informática


  • Miriam Roll Hechavarria Technological University of Havana "José Antonio Echeverría"
  • Margarita Andre Ampuero Technological University of Havana "José Antonio Echeverría"


Role training and evaluation, computer engineer roles, business analyst


The formation of professional career roles and the evaluation of their performance are very important to validate the preparation of the student as a future graduate of the profession. In the Computer Engineering career, this aspect is addressed based on the professional model defined in Plan D, which states the roles that are developed in the career. This issue has been addressed from the development and evaluation of roles that are formed in the subjects. In this work, the tutor stands out as the integrating figure that promotes and directs the formation of professional roles in students, based on the stimulation and evaluation of their performance in the tasks they carry out in the development of the research projects that they direct. This article presents an experience of the indicators and tools used for the evaluation of the business analyst role in the Computer Engineering career at the "José Antonio Echeverria" Technological University of Havana.


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How to Cite

Roll Hechavarria, M. ., & Andre Ampuero, M. (2023). La actividad de tutoría en la evaluación de desempeño de roles en la carrera de Ingeniería Informática. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 4(2), 209:1–15. Retrieved from



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