Documentation system in the AICA+ Laboratories. Case study of microservices, DevOps and incidents management


  • Pedro Velázquez Borrero AICA Pharmaceutical Laboratories Enterprise
  • Carlos Ramón López Paz AICA Pharmaceutical Laboratories Enterprise
  • Ana Lilian Infante Abreu AICA Pharmaceutical Laboratories Enterprise
  • Katerine Escalera Fariñas AICA Pharmaceutical Laboratories Enterprise


Transformación Digital, informatización, AICA, BioCubaFarma, Gestión de incidencias


A case study is presented in the context of development of digital solutions of the company Laboratorios AICA+ of BioCubaFarma. As a result, a digital work system is obtained for the documentation management process area that is part of the Quality Management System. AICA is a company where all its operations are completely controlled by pharmaceutical regulatory agencies, therefore, the level of documentation is not only numerous, but also changes very rapidly under strict traceability mechanisms. The development and implementation projects of this digital solution are the evidence base of the case study itself described in this paper. In this sense, this study explores the benefits of adopting NextJS, DevOps, MinIO, Identity Access Manager WSO2, WSO2 Api Manager and Mantis technologies for the development and implementation of digital solutions. It also constitutes a concrete benchmark of technological and organizational practices of the digital transformation program of a high-tech company within BioCubaFarma.


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How to Cite

Velázquez Borrero, P., López Paz, C. R., Infante Abreu, A. L., & Escalera Fariñas, K. (2023). Documentation system in the AICA+ Laboratories. Case study of microservices, DevOps and incidents management. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 4(1), e208. Retrieved from