Automated support for relationship activity in Cujae


  • Martha Dunia Delgado Dapena Technological University of Havana "José Antonio Echeverría"
  • Alejandro Miguel Güemes Esperón Technological University of Havana "José Antonio Echeverría"
  • Julio Andrés Varona de la Paz Ministerio del Interior
  • Jorge Luis Bolaños Ruqué Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas


digital transformation, institutional relations, university-business


The Government Management System based on Science and Innovation, promoted by the highest government leadership in the country, is committed to a robust Government-university-company relationship, which makes it necessary to create capacities for innovation in all spheres of social and economic life of the country. The generation of closed-loop science and technology results requires changes both in the integration of university processes and in relations with the different economic actors on the national and international stage.

It is necessary to transform the processes of the university and work on the development of innovation capacities that allow the articulation of alliances, in order to achieve better results with a view to the commercialization, export and introduction of the results of science. This is not possible if there is no transformation in the management of university-company relations, within the university itself, which involves achieving levels of computerization of the institutional relations activity, which allows expanding the active participation of the university community and its different internal actors in this process. Here is a proposal for the computerization of the activities that support this process at the José Antonio Echeverría Technological University of Havana (CUJAE), including different services provided by the university. The system developed is based on a configuration made to the Free Computer Equipment Manager (GLPI, for its acronym in French), and only supports the management of service requests, as a ticket system. The proposed solution must be perfected and must be incorporated, in a future version, the functionalities of other services that are provided in the CUJAE, among which are the maintenance and investment services. In addition, as future work, the design and implementation of an appointment system for the university is foreseen.



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How to Cite

Delgado Dapena, M. D., Güemes Esperón, A. M. ., Varona de la Paz, J. A., & Bolaños Ruqué, J. L. (2023). Automated support for relationship activity in Cujae. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 4(1), e201. Retrieved from



Artículos originales - Parte II