Asymmetric protocols with non-commutative cryptography and elementary matrices


  • Ernesto Rafael Carbonell Rigores Technological University of Havana "José Antonio Echeverría"
  • Ricardo Araujo Rodríguez Independent researcher


Asymmetric cryptography, cryptographic protocol, elementary matrix, Generalized Symmetric Decomposition Problem, non-commutative cryptography


This paper presents an implementation of four asymmetric cryptographic protocols: key transport, key exchange, digital signature and ciphering, based on a theoretical proposal made by Juan Pedro Hecht, at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. In all of the four cases, non-commutative cryptography is used by means of the algebraic group of Hill matrices. As a one-way function, the Generalized Symmetric Decomposition Problem is used, considered a computationally intractable problem, which requires the application of "brute force" to attack it. These protocols use single-precision arithmetic, which makes them usable on devices with low computational performance. In the original proposal, some matrices are required to be generated “randomly” and to be non-singular. However, the "randomness" of a matrix does not guarantee its non-singularity, so that proposal suggests iterating this process until an invertible matrix is ​​obtained, which implies a high computational cost. In this work, an alternative solution to this problem is proposed, which consists of the "random" generation of elementary matrices, imposing certain conditions that guarantee their non-singularity. The operations applied on elementary matrices require a lower computational effort than when applying them on general matrices and a smaller space than the necessary to store the entries of the general matrices.


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How to Cite

Carbonell Rigores, E. R. ., & Araujo Rodríguez, R. (2023). Asymmetric protocols with non-commutative cryptography and elementary matrices. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 4(2), 198:1–14. Retrieved from



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