On-line system for the evaluation of Computer Science quiz problem


  • Leonardo Cardona Luque José Macerlino Maceo Grajales Pre-University Institute of Exact Sciences


algorithms, programming contest, online jury.


It is presented the Portalweb Online System for the evaluation of contest problems for the preparation of contest students in Guantanamo province, which is nothing more than an "Automatic Jury for the qualification of programming contests" at provincial level, system that allows the organization and holding of online programming contests, in addition to the automatic qualification of the contestants' solutions and the real time updating of the table of positions. The system is developed using PHP and PYTHON programming language, which allows to obtain a multiplatform product. It consists of two independent applications that work together, a Web application to interact with the contestants and another one in charge of the scoring of the solutions sent by the clients.


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How to Cite

Cardona Luque, L. . (2023). On-line system for the evaluation of Computer Science quiz problem. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 4(2), 187:1–12. Retrieved from https://rctd.uic.cu/rctd/article/view/187



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