Reinforcement Learning algorithm for modelling software based on fuzzy cognitive maps


  • Iván Santana Ching UCLV
  • Ariel Barreiros Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas
  • Richar Sosa Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas


Machine Learning; Reinforcement Learning; Fuzzy Cognitive Maps


Fuzzy Cognitive Maps are a powerful tool that can be used to model complex systems with undetermined dynamics, in addition to being interpretable. However, sometimes it is difficult to determine precisely the relationships that occur between the concepts of a system. In previous research, a software library was designed and developed that is capable of creating this type of model and adjusting it with good precision. In order to achieve a good fit of the weight matrices of a model using the available learning algorithm, it is necessary to develop it from a specific set of values. In this research, a new Automatic Learning algorithm was introduced to the library, which uses Reinforced Learning techniques. This allows for better adjustment of the weight matrices, even when the learning is faced with uncertainty in the initialization of the model values. The results reflect that a model obtained using the library with the modifications, fits correctly to the behavior of the system that emulates in a greater number of situations. The quality of the model is directly related to the iterations that are made to train it, being favorable an increase of them. To obtain the results, simulation data of an RLC circuit was used, to which a noise signal was added to achieve a greater similarity to real process data.


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How to Cite

Santana Ching, I., Barreiros, A., & Sosa, R. (2021). Reinforcement Learning algorithm for modelling software based on fuzzy cognitive maps. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 2(1), 66–78. Retrieved from



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