Servicios meteorológicos para enfrentar la Covid-19 en Cuba: análisis de tres Casos de Estudio

Meteorological services to face Covid-19 in Cuba: analysis of three Study Cases


  • Luis Lecha Estela


application OxyAlert_Beta; biometeorological forecasts; Covid-19 epidemic; oxygen content of the air; Sahara dust.


The paper collects some experiences derived from the application of techniques and processes of Digital Transformation, facing Covid-19 epidemic in Cuba, through the detection and forecast of meteor-tropic effects between March 11 and June 30, 2020. Three appropriate situations or Study Cases in this context are considered. They can serve as reference for confronting this dangerous pandemic in other parts of the Caribbean region and the world. The Study Cases refer to the use of the “OxyAlert_Beta” application to provide personalized biometeorological forecasts. The impact of dust clouds from the Sahara as a predisposing element for the occurrence of acute respiratory infections in the city of Santa Clara and the role of the oxygen content of the air calculated by the PronBiomet model in the occurrence of mortality associated with Covid-19 in the province of Villa Clara. In each study, the advantages and contributions of Digital Transformation techniques and procedures are described, as an essential support of meteorological services, in order to prevent and mitigate the impact of meteor-tropic effects on patients admitted to Villa Clara health centers during the first phase of the epidemic in the country.


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How to Cite

Lecha Estela, L. (2020). Servicios meteorológicos para enfrentar la Covid-19 en Cuba: análisis de tres Casos de Estudio: Meteorological services to face Covid-19 in Cuba: analysis of three Study Cases. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 1(3), 51–66. Retrieved from



Special section: Digital transformation facing COVID-19