The use of the R language for data processing and the generation of maps on COVID-19


  • Alvaro Reinoso Lorente Universidad Central de Las Villas "Marta Abreu"
  • Romel Vázquez Rodríguez UCLV
  • Carlos Pérez Risquet Universidad Central de Las Villas "Marta Abreu"


análisis espacio-temporal; covid-19; lenguaje R; mapas de coropletas; mapas de símbolos graduados.


Currently the world is submerged in the Global pandemic "COVID-19". The study of the behavior of this disease generates a lot of information that in some cases can be georeferenced in order to carry out a spatio-temporal analysis to reach conclusions. The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are not the only ones capable of analyzing this georeferenced information, there are other alternatives such as the R language, which has undoubtedly become an important tool for spatio-temporal analysis and generation of maps because it has a large number of statistical techniques that facilitate data processing and map generation. The shapefile file format stores vector data in which the geometry of the terrain in question can be obtained. The evolution of this disease in each region or country is undoubtedly of interest to many investigations. Analyzing how the disease develops over the course of days, weeks, years and months is of great importance. This work shows some examples of how R can be used for the generation and animation of maps that allow analyzing the evolution of a disease such as COVID-19 as well as other related data.


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How to Cite

Reinoso Lorente, A., Vázquez Rodríguez, R., & Pérez Risquet, C. (2020). The use of the R language for data processing and the generation of maps on COVID-19. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 1(3), 37–50. Retrieved from



Special section: Digital transformation facing COVID-19