Digital transformation is analogue because it is driven by people


  • Yarina Amoroso Fernández UCI
  • Patricia Reyes Olmedo Universidad de Valparaíso
  • Ahti Saarenpää


Transformación digital, Gobierno de la información, Derecho, Juristas digitales, Enseñanza del Derecho


The Society´s Digital Transformation opens a new window into the relations between the Right and IT, and between emerging and disruptive technologies; as a consequence of their broader impact due to digital convergence in all specialization areas of the Law administration profession; while consisting of a path toward Information Governance. The aim of this study is to provide an inclusive insight upon some of the hermeneutic keys to understand and advance through the path of Digital Transformation, which is a process with ethical, social, economical, and political implications; therefore, it also pursue to reflect upon the Right demanded by the running times. Given the Digital Transformation´s character is recognized to be analogue for being conducted by people, from different professions with equally dissimilar set of skills; it is important to articulate them in safeguarding the human dignity. Additionally, the study argues whereas it is rationale to address the matter of Digital Jurists. The reflections shared hereafter are the result of the authors’ research in the context of: CIUDADANAS 2020 Project coordinated from Chile in collaboration with the University of Uppsala, Finland; and Project 1514 System for obtaining digital objects with legal value, of the Group of Investigations of Law Computer science of the CEGEL_UCI registered in the national Automation program led by ICIMAF, Cuba.



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How to Cite

Amoroso Fernández, Y., Reyes Olmedo, P., & Saarenpää, A. (2020). Digital transformation is analogue because it is driven by people. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 1(2), 127–150. Retrieved from



Reflection paper