Some recommendations of a Reference Model for Digital Transformation in health


  • Juan Antonio Gutiérrez Martínez
  • Ailyn Febles Estrada University of Informatics Science


e-health; Electronic Medical Record ; digital transformation of health


Introducing information technologies in clinical and administrative processes of the hospital life is not a matter of discussion. The need of introducing this technologies and particulary the implementation of the Electronic Medical Record as a basic project to transform hospitals and health institutions and systems is a consensus reached. If we consider the moment we are, when so many technology innovations have done; we can not think of a better moment to transform our health institutions into succesfull, efficient and sustainable ones. Then, the implementation of ICT in the clinical processes is more than hopefull. It’s mandatory. In this paper we deal with some of the chalenges that cuban health institutions are facing in the digital transformation from the medical point of view. We will evaluate some barriers endorsed by healthcare profesionals and expert opinions and some other common problems in the management of hospitals and other health institutions and will propose a model as a matter of refference for adopting ICT that will defiene the methodological bases for a succesfull digital transformation of health institutions through a planified, iterative and incremental approach.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Martínez, J. A. ., & Febles Estrada, A. (2020). Some recommendations of a Reference Model for Digital Transformation in health. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 1(3), 100–111. Retrieved from



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