Distributed development of the algorithm for detecting local anomalous factors in Apache Spark


  • Raynel Roberto Rodríguez Oliva Empresa Correos de Cuba
  • Lester Guerra Denis Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana "José Antonio Echeverría"
  • Humberto Díaz Pando Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana "José Antonio Echeverría"


Apache Spark, Local outlier factor, MapReduce, parallel processing


The development achieved with information and communications technologies has resulted in the growth of all data stored and / or exchanged electronically. Data mining techniques are capable of extracting knowledge from these stored data. One of the tasks of data mining is the detection of outliers. When the volume of stored data can not be processed by traditional infrastructures, other, more efficient ways of processing information are needed. The parallel processing of information is a type of processing that allows the execution of several processes concurrently, achieving impressive calculation powers. The objective of this research is to develop the algorithm for the detection of local outliers factors to be executed in Apache Spark which implements the MapReduce programming model. Two variants are proposed, the first is deterministic and the second is more efficient than the first but with approximate results. Based on the experiments carried out and the results obtained with the non-parametric hypothesis tests, it is shown that the proposed variants reduce the execution times in relation to their sequential variant.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Oliva, R. R., Guerra Denis, L., & Díaz Pando, H. (2020). DISTRIBUTED DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALGORITHM FOR THE DETECTION OF LOCAL OUTLIER FACTORS IN APACHE SPARK: Distributed development of the algorithm for detecting local anomalous factors in Apache Spark. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 1(1), 119–131. Retrieved from https://rctd.uic.cu/rctd/article/view/49



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