Time Windows Analysis in Trend Detection Systems



metaheuristcs, time windows, trend detection systems, Twitter


Microblogging services are potential sources of updated data. Their constant use has turned them into a suitable field of action to detect trends. Most of the efforts employed in developing Trend Detection Systems (TDS) point to the definition of the models. However, they have overlooked the analysis of important elements such as time windows, which, misconfigured, can cause the system to malfunction. In this research, the influence of the use of static time windows in TDS is analyzed. A methodology is defined to generate window configurations. This methodology modeled as an optimization problem, construct window configurations capable of adapting to the flow of data. As result, the superiority of non-static windows over static ones is reflected and the decisive role played by the time windows in the TDS is emphasized.


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How to Cite

Cruz-Linares, R., Piad-Morffis, A., & Almeida-Cruz, Y. (2020). Time Windows Analysis in Trend Detection Systems. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 1(1), 132–148. Retrieved from https://rctd.uic.cu/rctd/article/view/38



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