Intelligent system for student pedagogical diagnosis


  • Yumilka Bárbara Fernández Hernández Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
  • Olga Pérez González Universidad de Camagüey
  • Yanela Rodríguez Álvarez Universidad de Camagüey
  • Yaile Caballero Mota Universidad de Camagüey


pedagogical diagnosis, tool, artificial intelligence


This work proposes the SAICCAD software (System for Learning Algorithms using Collective Intelligence, Approximate and Fuzzy Sets), a desktop application, which has a friendly interface and at the same time easy to use. Its main objective is to offer the research community a technological tool that allows the application of attribute selection, classification and prediction algorithms with the use of artificial intelligence techniques. This article presents the use of SAICCAD in the area of pedagogical sciences, specifically for academic diagnosis in the university, although its use can be broad in other spheres of society. The pedagogical diagnosis is an essential premise in the educational teaching process, which takes into account the analysis of the student's needs and culminates in making decisions about the interventions that can be carried out. With the results provided by the system, the teacher can define a group of specific actions to ensure that students pass the course satisfactorily. This application quickly and accurately obtains the most important variables that influence the pedagogical diagnosis process from the students' data set. It is a software that brings together educational elements, as well as analysis and prediction elements that contribute to the quality education objective of the 2030 Schedule and to the informatization of educational processes.


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How to Cite

Fernández Hernández, Y. B. ., Pérez González, O. ., Rodríguez Álvarez, Y. ., & Caballero Mota, Y. . (2023). Intelligent system for student pedagogical diagnosis. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 4(4), e229:1–10. Retrieved from



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