Digital phraseographic investigations: Case Study LEXTOOLF


  • Carlos Ramón López Paz AICA Pharmaceutical Laboratories Enterprise
  • Andrés Novoa Aedo Technological University of Havana "José Antonio Echeverría"
  • Yurelkys Palacio Piñeiro Piñeiro Instituto de Literatura y Lingüística “José Antonio Portuondo Valdor”


DevOp; Estudio de caso; Estudio fraseográfico; GraphQL; REST.


The Lextoolf case study is presented as a research that explores, during the 2021/2022 period, a computer project to streamline phraseographic research as a digital work system. In this context, the benefits of GraphQL and REST API technologies are described in technical tasks associated with the development of Application Programming Interfaces. In addition, several aspects that distinguish the implementation of Lextoolf in a localhost environment and in a DevOp environment are described. It also shows the complexities of the issues captured in Lextoolf's refinement and validation process. Contributions of this type, in addition to allowing the management of linguistic information related to FUs and bibliographic data from study sources (dictionaries), allow extracting relevant patterns of information on the way in which FUs are integrated and described in dictionaries.


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How to Cite

López Paz, C. R., Novoa Aedo, A., & Piñeiro Piñeiro, Y. P. (2023). Digital phraseographic investigations: Case Study LEXTOOLF. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 4(1), e211. Retrieved from