A bibliometric analysis of the Cuban scientific production on the science web
Bibliometría, Análisis de datos, Matemática, Informática, EstudioAbstract
This study characterizes the volume and visibility of Cuban scientific production, through a combined analysis of bibliometric indicators. The data for the analysis were obtained from the Web of Science Bibliographic Database for the period 1900–2019. The study involved a set of quantitative indicators based on the count of documents grouped by institutions, areas of science, number of authors, as well as some performance indicators to measure the impact based on the count of citations. The main results reveal that academic institutions have greater scientific production; however, research and development entities have a greater impact. At the country level, the University of Havana is the one with the greatest production and impact, as is the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. The University of Medical Sciences of Havana has the best balance between publications and authors; but its visibility is reduced. Clearly, there is a need to use bibliometric indicators at the country level to implement efficient policies that encourage publication in qualified journals.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Fermín Rivas Sotomayor, Alejandro Rosete Suárez, Manuel Jesús Cobo Martín, Anaisa Hernández González
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