Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence methods and techniques to combat fraud in Telecommunications
Data mining techniques applied to fraud management
machine learning; telecommunication fraud; bypass fraud; artificial intelligence; data miningAbstract
The present work includes a bibliographical study on different methods and techniques of Data Mining (MD), Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), associated with the fight against fraud in telecommunications, which is in constant transformation and has been as the services and technologies become more complex, the amount of data to be processed is increasing, which leads to an increase in the response time to fraud if appropriate techniques are not used, in addition to requiring the combination of various data sources, so this type of tool is essential, both for the detection of patterns (fraud behaviors) and for the automation of work processes that allow reducing response times to it, this is achieved with the application of a series of methods that can be supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised that comprise a series of algorithms for the treatment of large volumes of data, and specifically for bypass fraud treatment. By reducing fraud detection and mitigation time, as well as the correct characterization of fraudulent behavior patterns, income assurance is guaranteed and economic losses are avoided.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Claudia Beatríz Martínez Castro, Jose Alberto Vilalta Alonso

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