TETR4DIG: Conceptual model and maturity assessment of organizational change focused on Digital Transformation
organizational change, digital maturity model, digital transformationAbstract
An important way to income the challenges of today’s society, is the insertion of companies and organizations in the process of cultural and technological change that take places in the environment of digital economy and industry 4.0. The organizational change process focused on digital transformation, is a challenging alternative that offers the possibility of achieving better results. Through the implementation of new business models, process optimization, innovation, continuous improvement and customer centrality, focused on digitization, the evolution towards a new form of management is described. This change is marked by the disruptive nature of the technological trends that sustain it. And the degree of use that is achieved by the available digital talent. The change process towards digital transformation is complex and there are not always clarity on how to implement it. Starting from a study on digital maturity models, norms, regulatory framework and the best world practices, using theoretical, empirical and mathematical statistical methods; the article proposes the TETR4DIG, a tool made up of a conceptual moldel and maturity assessments, to review the extent to which each organization adopts the perspectives and dimensions related to a change process whith a focus on digital transformation. Íts design has the purpose of contributing through consulting services to understand, discover and guide the way in this process; being able to facilitate the exchange of specialized knowledge, information and technology between different economic and social actors.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Liban de Armas Granado; Ela Díaz Monjiotti, Grisel Eulalia Reyes León
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