IIoT platforms with potential application in the Cuban industrial context



Industrial Internet of Things, IIoT Platforms, Architecture, Cuban industrial context


Industrial Internet of Things is a fundamental technology of Industry 4.0. It is the network of a multitude of industrial devices connected by communications technologies resulting in systems that can monitor, collect, exchange, analyze and provide new knowledge. IIoT Platforms facilitate these interconnections and make possible the integrated management of complex data and the extraction of the relevant value contained in them, to improve industrial production indicators. These platforms have evolved significantly globally and play a key role in the hybridization of the physical world with the digital in the industry. Cuba faces the assimilation and adoption of new enabling technologies for industrial digital transformation, based on a high political will and a favorable regulatory environment that contrasts with a difficult economic situation. In this context, it is necessary to strengthen technological sovereignty, with bets that are easily scalable, reusable and profitable, capable of promoting the innovative ecosystem, and that offer complete solutions, provide comprehensive services and cover a wide range of application scenarios. This article aims to analyze the architectural components that regularly make up the Industrial Internet of Things Platforms, define the requirements for the Cuban context and evaluate a set of platforms to select the ones that best meet the defined requirements. As a result of applying a systematic methodology for this analysis, dozens of platforms were evaluated and the two with the best possibilities for the Cuban industrial environment were selected.

Author Biography

Tatiana Delgado Fernández, UIC

Tatiana Delgado Fernández es Ingeniera en Sistemas Automatizados de Dirección (1989) de la CUJAE. MSc. en Optimización y Toma de Decisiones (1997) y Doctora en Ciencias Técnicas (2005) actualmente se desempeña como Vicepresidenta de la Unión de Informáticos de Cuba y Profesora del Departamento Informática Empresarial de la Facultad Ingeniería Industrial en la Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana (CUJAE). Sus intereses científicos están orientados a la transformación digital, la Industria 4.0, la Inteligencia de Negocio, Big Data, Semántica y las Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales.


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How to Cite

Delgado Fernández, T. (2022). IIoT platforms with potential application in the Cuban industrial context. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 3(2), e175. Retrieved from https://rctd.uic.cu/rctd/article/view/175



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