Digital Transformation in E-Commerce Companies: A Look from Route Optimization.
e-commerce; routes optimization; geocodification; vehicle routing problem; digital transformationAbstract
Nowadays, Cuban entities have committed to a process of computerization and evolution in their logistics, which can be promoted with efficient use of resources and data that they have. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) has gained momentum, entities such as Citmatel and CIMEX are examples of that. In the distribution of the products, the need for the efficient planning of this distribution arises. In this work, the application of a tool is described, which with the use of route optimization and geocoding, provides benefits to the entities mentioned above, where it has already been deployed. After its deployment, an average distance savings of 78% was achieved for the distribution of the TuEnvio platform.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2022 Luis Suárez González, Ana Camila Pérez Pérez, Cynthia Porras Nodarse, Humberto Díaz Pando, Eduardo Sánchez Ansola, Gilberto Luis Diaz Valdés

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