Review of open science practices in Latin America and the Caribbean


  • Grizly Meneses Placeres Universidad Central de Las Villas "Marta Abreu"
  • Leidys Aleida Álvarez Reinaldo Universidad Central de Las Villas "Marta Abreu"
  • Manuel Osvaldo Machado Rivero Universidad Central de Las Villas "Marta Abreu"


Open Science, Latin-America, The Caribbean


The Open Science movement has been gaining ground, characterized by a greater dynamic and leading role, implying a paradigm shift that is affecting the ways of producing, disseminating, evaluating and communicating science in all regions of the world. In the Ministry of Higher Education of Cuba actions are carried out in correspondence with the development that exists at the international level in the area of ​​Open Education and Science. However, it is unknown what are the fundamental practices in the universities of the region that allow the elaboration of a policy for the Cuban context. From there, the objective is to: Characterize CA practices in the context of Latin American and Caribbean universities. The research is descriptive, since the CA practices given by different authors are characterized. The initiatives, laws, policies in different Universities in Latin America and the Caribbean related to Education and Open Science are detailed. Document Analysis was used. The results were classified in four dimensions to describe the practices found: Legal framework, Procedural framework, Training framework and research framework. The largest advanced ones are concentrated in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Mexico. The Latin American panorama is characterized by a disparity in CA practices. There are more practices associated with open access in repositories and scientific publications, rather than open data or open peer review policies


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How to Cite

Meneses Placeres, G. ., Álvarez Reinaldo, L. A., & Machado Rivero, M. O. (2022). Review of open science practices in Latin America and the Caribbean. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 3(1), e159. Retrieved from



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