Application of process mining for improvement of public services


  • Arturo Martínez-Escobar Universidad de Granada
  • Nemury Silega Martíne Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas
  • Manuel Noguera-García Universidad de Granada



Auditing, process mining, public services, business process management


In Public Administrations, it is fundamental to ensure a quality service to citizens so that they contribute to the reception of goods and services to which they are entitled. A good provision of public services, in principle, must respect the legally established restrictions, reach citizens in a timely manner, and from the organizational point of view, must be performed by applying criteria of effectiveness and efficiency. This study has been applied to a claims management department related to the collection of municipal taxes in a Public Administration, and has served to put the value of the data of events in the system applied in a process mining project, focusing the latter in a selection of techniques and tools, with the ProM and Disk applications for trace visualization and discovery and filtering applied to the event log, which have allowed us to detect inefficiencies and points of improvement in the business processes implemented. As a result, possibilities for improvement were identified in the provision of services that were causing citizen complaints and for which there were previously no tools that could help the process managers in their visualization. Process mining has been shown as a useful solution to help improve the provision of services that will impact on an improvement in the quality of life and perception of administrations by citizens.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Escobar, A., Silega Martíne, N. ., & Noguera-García, M. (2021). Application of process mining for improvement of public services. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 2(4), 92–104.



Artículos originales - Parte II