Analysis of the behavior of research projects in the period 2010-2020


  • Daysel Labañino Griñan
  • Arturo Orellana García Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas



quality, project management, research project


A research project is the plan that is developed prior to carrying out a research work. The objective of this work is to analyze the behavior of research projects in the 2010-2020 decade, according to the contributions of other researchers. This study allows to know the main models, standards (PMBOK, PRINCE2, COBIT, ISO / IEC 21500), methodologies (PRINCE2, SCRUM, WATERFALL) and tools (SINNAPS, WRIKE, TRELLO, ASANA) used in this type of projects, taking into account count its characteristics. Another aspect that is taken into account in this research are the indicators for their success, where the use of traditional indicators stands out: time, cost and quality. Once the main mechanisms that have been taken into account in the last decade to manage research projects and expose their most relevant characteristics have been presented, this document seeks to serve as a guide for future research. Likewise, an investigation is being worked on that will offer a guide for the evaluation of projects of this nature and the elements presented in the study are taken into account.


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How to Cite

Labañino Griñan, D. ., & Orellana García , A. . (2021). Analysis of the behavior of research projects in the period 2010-2020. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 2(4), 61–76.



Artículos originales - Parte II