Definition of an engineering process for the development of a chatbot based on established good practices


  • Maydalis Hernández Pérez Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas
  • Luis Ángel Llull Céspedes Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas



activities; artifacts; chatbot; engineering process; good practices


Chatbots are a program designed to simulate an intelligent conversation, generally with one or more humans. In the educational field, they are used to act as a teacher, student or student companion and is capable of processing natural language and offering information in a coherent way in real time through a dialogue. It is possible to find various research related to the development and implementation of chatbots such as graduate and postgraduate jobs. In these works the application of an engineering process is evidenced, which in some cases differ from each other, but have activities and good practices in common used for the development of these systems. Therefore, the objective of this research was to define an engineering process for the development of a chatbot based on good practices identified in research carried out. Thus, establishing the processes, activities and artifacts to be carried out for the development of a chatbot that allows the evaluation and training of students in a given subject.


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How to Cite

Hernández Pérez , M. ., & Llull Céspedes, L. Ángel. (2021). Definition of an engineering process for the development of a chatbot based on established good practices. Revista Cubana De Transformación Digital, 2(3), 90–109.



Sección de Ingeniería de software