Estimation of the Degree of Lung Affection by COVID-19 through Supervised Classification of the X-Ray Image
Machine learning; Supervised classification; COVID-19; x-ray images; Digital image processingAbstract
This work presents the proposal of a simple quantitative index of lung affection derived from chest x-ray images in patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in an advanced stage of the disease. The index is obtained from an algorithm that combines digital image processing and machine learning methods for the segmentation of the lung region, the evaluation of its quality and the classification of each pixel of the segmented lung image.
The results achieved in the experiments carried out on images of healthy patients and those affected by COVID-19 showed high values of sensitivity and specificity in the classification. The study of the variation of the values of the proposed index in time series of images from patients with COVID 19 admitted to the intensive care units of hospitals in Havana, Cuba, showed a relationship between these variations with the evolution of the disease and the patients’ response the proposed index as an indicator of the effectiveness of the treatments and protocols applied.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Eduardo Garea Llano, Hector Adrian Castellanos Loaces, Eduardo Martínez Montes, Evelio González Dalmau
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