Herramienta de simulación para evaluar configuraciones semafóricas
Agent Based Simulation, Intelligent Agent, Jam, Maps of highways, Traffic ControllerAbstract
The bad planning of the traffic can bring with it countless negative effects as the collapses, jams and accidents. To avoid this situation, it is useful, before applying configurations in the traffic, to know the impact that they will bring, to value with more trust, if the configuration will be functional or not. At the present time, the simulation of processes is an appropriate solution to make these studies. According to the used simulation type, the results will be more or less near to the reality. The agent based simulation, for its characteristics, contributes advantages as for simulations of road nets. The present work describes the process of development of an agent based simulation tool that it contributes to the process of traffic controller´s configuration. The development of this solution is based in a comparative study of technologies and previous experiences with the purpose of achieving an adjusted result to the necessities and real capacities. The result was the creation of a tool that uses real maps of highways and simulation based on agents using the work mark MASON for the analysis of semaphore configurations. With the development of the same one, analysts and traffic engineers have a tool that contributes them information that helps them analyze and make decisions regarding the problems related to the configuration of traffic controllers.
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